99050 Performing A Water Loss Evaluation with GIS Data - TRAINING ON DEMAND
Training On Demand
As technology advances, more opportunities are available to gather critical information regarding a distribution system. GIS can be a powerful tool when reviewing non-revenue water, by layering asset locations, prior leak information, new leak information, meter reads, etc. Providing a visual representation of potential ‘Hot Spots’. This data can be used, and added upon to create an up to date representation of a distributions systems activities, and used for proactive decision making. This presentation will review a distribution system that used GIS to perform a water loss evaluation, and the information collected.
Speaker: Nick Bates - EJ Prescott
This course was recorded on December 8-9, 2021 during the Maine Rural Water Association's 41st Annual Technical Conference and Trade Show.
Approved for 1.5 TCHs for Water Operations.