Water and Wastewater Safety - Gardiner
EJ Prescott Home Office
32 Prescott StreetGardiner, ME 04345
United States
Event Details
Class Description:
An overview of biological, chemical, and physical hazards that are abundant in the water and wastewater industry and ways to mitigate those hazards.
Potential topics for discussion include:
- OSHA Rules and Standards
- PPE for W/WW Facilities
- Emergency Response Plans and Evacuation Plans
- Chemical Safety/Storage
- Confined Space Entry
- Blood Born Pathogens
- Safe Lifting Techniques
- Electrical Safety – Lock out & Tag out
- Drum Handling
- Heavy Equipment Safety
- Machine Guarding
- Fall and Hearing Protection
Class Fee: $45 Members | $60 Non-Members
State Agency Approval:
Maine BLWSO: 1.5 TCHs for Water Operators
Maine DEP: 1.5 TCHs for Wastewater Operators
Chandler Smith – Director of Safety, EJ Prescott
This session will be held at the EJ Prescott Home Office at
32 Prescott St, Gardiner, ME 04345
Please arrive 15 minutes early (at 8:15am) so we can take attendance.
We look forward to seeing you there!
CANCELLATION POLICY: Individuals registered for one of MRWA’s training classes or seminars will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of cancellation at least five (5) business days prior to the class. Anyone contacting MRWA to cancel enrollment in a class will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact us at 207-737-4092 as soon as possible.