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Opening for the Season 2025 - Millinocket

Wednesday, May 7, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Opening for the Season

As an owner and/or operator of a seasonal campground, boys’ camp, girls’ camp, sporting camp, seasonal or year-round hotel and restaurant, you have numerous responsibilities to ensure the safety of your customers. Providing safe drinking water is one of those responsibilities and is certainly an essential part of your business. Emphasis will be placed on:

  • Seasonal Water System Start Up Plans
  • Required Sampling and Appropriate Sample Procedures
  • Shock Chlorination of the Well
  • Drinking Water Orders
  • Maine and Federal Safe Drinking Water Requirements

This three-hour session will be delivered by live instructors. Also, MRWA offers free follow-up with technical assistance and support. Just give us a call at 207-737-4092!


Simplest Directions to the Penobscot Outdoor Center from I-95

Follow Interstate 95 from Kittery to 295 toward Portland. Take I-295 (small toll) through Portland, which eventually comes back to I-95 at about mile 100. Continue on I-95 to exit 244 (that’s 244 miles from Kittery).

Take exit 244 onto Route 157 West. [Coming north, turn left at the top of the ramp. Coming south, turn right at the top of the ramp.] Travel about twelve (12) miles through Medway, East Millinocket, and several miles of forest to Millinocket. Continue on Route 157 (Route 11 South has now joined it) through Millinocket. Three blocks after the second three-colored traffic light, Route 157 ends, Route 11 takes a hard left, and there is a Congregational Church directly in front of you. Turn right here onto Katahdin Avenue and, in two blocks, turn left onto Bates Street, which becomes the Millinocket Lake Road as it heads out of town. [Hint: follow the double yellow lines and the signs to Baxter State Park.]

You will pass the Katahdin General Store, pass under a railroad bridge, and leave the settled area about a mile from your last turn.  

Continue on this road for about 8 miles, where you will encounter a speed limit change from 45 mph to 35 mph. You will see signs here for Twin Pine Camps and NEOC. Continue on past these signs, passing the North Woods Trading Post, another 6 to 8 miles.

At the top of a rise in the road, where you will see Katahdin in the distance. You will also see our signs on the right-hand side. One says Penobscot Outdoor Center, and another says New England Whitewater.

Turn right and travel about 1/2 mile to our parking lot at the campground. Walk down over the hill to our check-in area. If there is no one there waiting for you, it means they are working in the campground. Feel free to drive around the campground looking for an employee or yell really loud. Probably someone will be waiting for you as they will be expecting you.

It really is a lot easier than it sounds, and signs mark the way. From exit 244 on the interstate headed north:

Take a left onto Route 157 for 12 miles.

Take a right onto Katahdin Avenue for two blocks.

Turn left onto Bates Street, which becomes the Millinocket Lake Road for about 16 miles.

Turn right onto the gravel access road for the Penobscot Outdoor Center.

Don’t trust your GPS beyond Millinocket. Sometimes it works, and other times it takes people onto logging roads. However, if you want to give it a try, the address is 135 Basecamp Rd., Millinocket, Maine 04462

For More Information:

Brad Sawyer
Brad Sawyer
Deputy Executive Director Maine Rural Water Association (207)737-9014

This session will be held at the Penobscot Outdoor Center

135 Basecamp Rd., Millinocket, Maine 04462

Please arrive 15 minutes early (at 8:45am) so we can take attendance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

For questions about registration, please contact our Training Department at (207) 737-4092 or

Individuals registered for one of MRWA’s training classes will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of cancellation at least five business days prior to the class. Anyone contacting MRWA to cancel enrollment in a class will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact us at 207-737-4092 as soon as possible.