Managing a Crisis at Water & Wastewater Facilities
Zoom Link
Event Details
Class Description:
Crisis Preparation and Response: defining a crisis, developing ERPs, leadership, training, ME-WARN, setting objectives, developing a plan of action, execution of plan, restoration of services, recovery will be reviewed in depth.
Class Fee: $45 Members | $60 Non-Members
State Agency Approval:
Maine BLWSO: 1.5 TCHs for Water Operators
Maine DEP: 1.5 TCHs for Wastewater Operators
Matt Demers – Maine Rural Water Association
Matt Demers has 25 years of experience in treatment, maintenance, operations, construction and management of water and wastewater utilities. He currently holds his grade 4 Water Treatment and Distribution licenses. Matt currently works for MRWA providing contract operations, technical assistance such as: emergency planning, safety program development, leak detection, treatment system troubleshooting, training, conducting tabletop exercises and serves as the Chair for MEWARN network.
Note: Zoom connection information will be sent to each registrant one day prior to the session date.
Connection options:
- Call dial-in number provided in Zoom email invitation
- Connect with your computer by clicking on link in Zoom email invitation
- If your computer does not have a microphone, you’ll need to both call in to listen and be heard and connect with your computer to view the PowerPoint presentation.
Amanda Brill, via (207) 737-4092 ex. 423 or
CANCELLATION POLICY: Individuals registered for one of MRWA’s training classes or seminars will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of cancellation at least five (5) business days prior to the class. Anyone contacting MRWA to cancel enrollment in a class will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact us at 207-737-4092 as soon as possible.